CPR ACLS Class Los Angeles Course Details

Los Angeles CPR and First Aid Certification

Course includes:American Heart Association ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support Training.

Days: Available upon request

(Other days are available for personalized scheduling. Please call for more details)

Time: Available upon request

Rate: $185.00 per person +45.00 Book Fee total $230.00.

Method of Payment: Cash, money order, Credit or Debit card payments are accepted.

** Note You Only Need One Class and Get Your Certification the Same Day **

  • Enhanced Skills: ACLS training equips individuals with advanced life-saving skills, boosting their confidence and ability to handle cardiac emergencies efficiently.
  • Improved Patient Outcomes: Early and appropriate intervention during cardiac arrest or other critical situations significantly increases the chances of positive patient outcomes.
  • Career Advancement: ACLS certification enhances a healthcare professional's resume, making them more marketable for higher-level positions.
  • Team Collaboration: ACLS training emphasizes effective communication and teamwork during resuscitation efforts, fostering a cohesive approach to patient care.

Who should take this course: All Medical or EMS personnel, Physician Assistants, Physicians, Nurses, EMTs, Dentists, Dental Assistants, Respiratory Therapist, etc., or anyone required to have credentialed documented course completion with the American Heart Association CPR Class Los Angeles.

Course Content:

CPR ACLS Class Los Angeles

ACLS stands for Advanced Cardiac Life Support

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) is a comprehensive set of medical interventions and protocols designed to provide timely and effective treatment for patients experiencing cardiac arrest or other life-threatening emergencies. Developed by the American Heart Association (AHA) in the 1970s, ACLS plays a vital role in the realm of emergency medicine. This essay explores the significance of ACLS in healthcare, the key components of ACLS training, and its profound impact on saving lives and improving patient outcomes.

The Significance of ACLS in Healthcare:

ACLS serves as a critical extension of Basic Life Support (BLS) by integrating advanced techniques and medications to address cardiac emergencies, respiratory distress, and other medical crises. The need for ACLS stems from the fact that certain conditions, like ventricular fibrillation or pulseless ventricular tachycardia, necessitate prompt and specific interventions beyond standard CPR. This specialized approach significantly increases the chances of successful resuscitation and survival.

Key Components of ACLS Training:

ACLS training is aimed at equipping healthcare professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to make quick and informed decisions in high-stress situations. Some key components of ACLS training include:

  • Recognition and Rapid Response: Identifying the signs of cardiac arrest and other critical conditions promptly is essential. ACLS-trained providers can recognize abnormal heart rhythms on electrocardiograms (ECGs) and initiate immediate interventions.
  • High-Quality CPR: Effective CPR is the cornerstone of resuscitation. ACLS training emphasizes the proper techniques of chest compressions, ventilation, and compression-to-ventilation ratios to optimize blood flow and oxygenation during cardiac arrest.
  • Defibrillation: Early defibrillation is crucial in shockable rhythms like ventricular fibrillation and pulseless ventricular tachycardia. ACLS providers learn to operate and utilize automated external defibrillators (AEDs) and manual defibrillators accurately.
  • Advanced Airway Management: In certain cases, securing an advanced airway may be necessary to maintain oxygenation and ventilation. ACLS-trained professionals are proficient in endotracheal intubation and other airway adjuncts.
  • Medications and Pharmacology: ACLS protocols involve administering specific medications like epinephrine, amiodarone, and atropine to correct abnormal rhythms and support circulation during cardiac arrest.
  • Post-Cardiac Arrest Care: After restoring circulation, providers must focus on post-resuscitation care to prevent secondary brain injury and systemic dysfunction. ACLS teaches the management of hemodynamic stability and targeted temperature management.

ACLS has had a profound impact on healthcare outcomes and patient survival rates. By enabling healthcare professionals to deliver timely and appropriate interventions, ACLS significantly improves the chances of restoring spontaneous circulation. This not only saves lives but also reduces the risk of neurological damage associated with prolonged cardiac arrest.

Moreover, ACLS training extends beyond hospital settings. Emergency medical service (EMS) personnel, paramedics, and other first responders play a critical role in delivering ACLS in the prehospital environment. Their ability to initiate ACLS protocols at the scene of an emergency can be the difference between life and death for many patients.

While ACLS has revolutionized emergency medicine, certain challenges remain. The rapid pace of medical advancements requires constant updates to ACLS protocols and training to reflect the latest evidence-based practices. Ensuring widespread access to ACLS training and maintaining proficiency among healthcare professionals also presents logistical challenges.

In the future, incorporating technology and artificial intelligence into ACLS training and practice may further enhance decision-making and improve patient outcomes. Additionally, research into novel therapies and resuscitation strategies may continue to refine ACLS protocols, maximizing their effectiveness. ACLS stands as a vital pillar of emergency medical care, empowering healthcare providers to respond swiftly and effectively to life-threatening situations. By blending advanced techniques, medication administration, and a systematic approach, ACLS has proven its efficacy in saving lives and improving patient outcomes. With ongoing research, training, and advancements, ACLS will undoubtedly continue to play a central role in advancing healthcare and the quest to save more lives.

Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support (ACLS) certification is a crucial credential for healthcare professionals seeking to enhance their skills in managing cardiac emergencies. ACLS equips individuals with the knowledge and expertise needed to respond promptly and effectively during critical situations, potentially saving lives. This essay outlines the essential steps to obtain ACLS certification and highlights the benefits of pursuing this vital training.

Understanding ACLS Certification:

ACLS certification is an advanced training program provided by reputable organizations like the American Heart Association (AHA) or the American Red Cross. The course aims to train healthcare professionals to respond confidently to cardiac arrest, stroke, and other life-threatening emergencies. ACLS certification goes beyond Basic Life Support (BLS) training, incorporating advanced techniques, algorithms, and pharmacological interventions.

Eligibility for ACLS Certification:

To pursue ACLS certification, individuals must meet certain prerequisites. Typically, candidates should already possess a valid BLS certification, as ACLS builds upon the foundation of basic life-saving techniques. Healthcare professionals like physicians, nurses, paramedics, respiratory therapists, and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) are among those eligible to undertake ACLS training.

Choosing an ACLS Training Provider:

Selecting a reputable ACLS training provider is paramount to obtaining a high-quality certification. The American Heart Association and the American Red Cross are well-known organizations that offer comprehensive ACLS courses. Prospective candidates can find local training centers or opt for online courses, considering their preferences and schedules.

The Structure of ACLS Training:

ACLS training usually consists of a combination of lectures, hands-on practice, and simulation scenarios. The course covers topics such as recognition and management of cardiac arrest, airway management, rhythm recognition, pharmacology, and post-cardiac arrest care. Candidates will also learn about effective teamwork and communication during resuscitation efforts.

Practical Training and Skills Evaluation:

Hands-on practice is an essential component of ACLS training. Instructors will guide candidates through simulations of various medical emergencies, allowing them to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-life scenarios. Skills evaluation includes demonstrating proficiency in performing high-quality CPR, using automated external defibrillators (AEDs), administering medications, and practicing advanced airway management.

Written Examination:

Candidates will be required to take a written examination to assess their understanding of ACLS algorithms, pharmacology, and critical decision-making. The exam typically includes multiple-choice questions and scenario-based assessments. Successful completion of the exam is crucial to obtaining ACLS certification.

Certification Renewal:

ACLS certification is typically valid for two years. To maintain their credentials, healthcare professionals must undergo ACLS recertification before their certification expiration date. Recertification involves a shorter course that updates candidates on the latest guidelines and practices, ensuring they remain current with advancements in ACLS protocols.

Call (310) 925-7090 Now to Schedule a Class!

Enroll in CPR Class

Certification Period

2 Years

Course Length

3 - 3.5 Hours

Student / Instructor Ratio


Student / Equipment Ratio
